How can i make a preview button?


New Member
I have a form where I enter news articles. Its then posted to a database. Then its displayed as a formatted page when called up.

Because the form does not allow formatting unless you use html tags, I have to insert the the html tags in the article before i post it. I need to be able to preview it with the html formatting before i post it to the database to make sure all the tags are there.

How can I make a preview of the page before it is posted to the database to see if I have my tags in there right. And then, if all is well after previewing it, post it to the database

Or better yet, how can I make a form that will either allow formatting OR keep the formatting from text copied from a word processor.

I would guess its along the same lines as a preview button on a message board.


I am using a form that looks like this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

the table comes out to this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.coloradosenate.con/mainlist2.php3">http://www.coloradosenate.con/mainlist2.php3</a><!-- m -->

the articles come out to this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->