how can i make a checkbox that is not changable


i want to show a mraked checked box that is disabled?(so the user cant chage it)<br />
thanks in advance<br />
peleg<!--content--><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" /><!--content-->of course, fred forgot to ask why on earth you would want this, as that elimates the purpose of a check box :)<!--content-->Also, be advised that disabled controls are not submitted with the form.<!--content-->with what vladdy gave, if you want to submit the checkbox that will never, ever, be checked, rid the disbaled attribute and use:<input ... onclick="this.checked=true/false">or similar :)<!--content-->Originally posted by steelersfan88 <br />
if you want to submit the checkbox that will never, ever, be checked, rid the disbaled attribute and use:<input ... onclick="this.checked=true/false"> <br />
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never, ever? dont bet the mortgage on it - i can think of three ways round that within even trying<!--content-->then do you to loop every 1 millisecond unchecking the box? give a better way then that willstill submit the unchecked box :)<br />
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EDIT: how bout with scripting enabled :)<!--content-->beacuse i want to show the user that after he check the check box and approved the data some of the things are unchangable<!--content-->