matthew 1604
New Member
I have experience in HTML but am completely new to SharepointI am looking to create a simple photo album using 960gs as a framework, where the images and html are stored on our sharepoint. I was originally pasting the following code for every staff member we have, but I know there must be away to access the database to get the Title, Description and IMG URL such as JQuery's AppendTo or some kind of ForEach but I have no idea how SharePoint organises this information to be parsed and looped - and I also do not fully understand how best to pull the data into my code to keep in clean.At the moment, every image has the following code.\[code\]<div class='grid_3'> <p class="img_and_name"> <img src="http://sharepoint/test/test2/test3/firstname%20surname.JPG"><br><b> Title Goes Here </b></span><br><span class="oneliner"> Image Description Goes Here </span></p></div>\[/code\]If you need any more information, please ask. Thank you!
- For reference, I think this is Sharepoint 2003.