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I have a C# SQL query for my page which queries the database using a value stored in the session of my page (called tournyName). I have the query working, and I am using a SqlDataReader (called myReader) to read the results of the query. I cant however get the results to display on the HTML area of my page.I have been piecing together bits of code that I have found from other peoples questions and the code at this point is incomplete. It looks something like this:C# (snppit):\[code\] conn.Open(); query = "SELECT GamePlayer1 AS [Player 1], GamePlayer2 AS [Player 2], GamePlayer1Score AS [Score1], GamePlayer2Score AS [Score2] FROM Games WHERE (TournyName = '@TournyName')"; com = new SqlCommand(query, conn); com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TournyName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)); com.Parameters["@TournyName"].Value =; SqlDataReader myReader; myReader = com.ExecuteReader(); myRepeater.DataSource = myReader; myRepeater.DataBind();\[/code\]And my HTML, where I would like to display the results:\[code\]<asp:Repeater id="myRepeater" runat="server"><HeaderTemplate><table border="1"></HeaderTemplate><ItemTemplate><tr><td></td><td><%# Eval('Player 1')%></td><td> <%# Eval('Player 2')%> <td> <%# Eval('Score1')%> </td><td> <%# Eval('Score2')%> </td></tr></ItemTemplate><FooterTemplate></table></FooterTemplate></asp:Repeater>\[/code\]No matter what I try, the page just shows up as blank. Can anybody enlighten me as to how I would display this?