How can I improve my search engine position results?


New Member
I am getting ready to do a makeover of my site, however I am not very experienced in search engine placement. I have heard that keyword density is very important, is this true? Does this mean that if I put up a bunch of articles about website hosting that are packed full of (without keyword spaming)"dedicated web host" "web hosting" ect they will rank higher?all the advice/help is greatly apreciated.Write articles for people. If you have a good site that has good information you will rank well. If a user visits a page "packed full" of keywords do you think they will buy hosting from you? I wouldn't.Search engines don't look at one word or one phrase at a time, they look at the whole page. So a page that has "web hosting" 100 times on the page won't necesarily rank higher than a page that has it once.