I have a \[code\]select\[/code\] with some values in it. each value loads a different webpage.I want the default value that always shows to be "Select page".How can I highlight the option for the current page when the user clicks on the dropdown?By highlight i mean either have it selected or change its background colour or something.HTML:\[code\]<select id="siteId" name="siteId" onchange="....."> <option value="">Select a page</option> <option row="1" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13727397/68067">MAIN SITE</option> <option row="2" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13727397/88616">A</option> <option row="3" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13727397/88617">B</option></select>\[/code\]EDIT: this select is created dynamically. I can only edit it with java-script after the page renders