I'm completely at loss here and am about to wipe my hard drive clean and start from a fresh OS install. I've been trying for two days to create a new yii app in the terminal and have finally figured out that the terminal or command line can not even execute PHP all of a sudden. I had no problem in past creating an executing php from the command line, But now it's not working. When I type which php i get nothing. When I type php -v I get:\[code\] -bash: php: command not found.\[/code\]And when I try to create a new yii application I get: \[code\]env: php: No such file or directory \[/code\]I am using mac osx-lion and my path looks like this at the moment:\[code\]/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/local/git/bin\[/code\]I've tried looking through the php manual and I'm getting nowhere. How can I reconfigure the command line to execute php? Any help is greatly appreciated.