I am using 2 select menus where one have value and the other one is empty and when a user select items from the left and click a bitton the selected items are moved to the right menu. a similler example is on this page http://jquerybyexample.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-move-items-between-listbox-using.htmlthe only problem is when i do a $_POST['lstBox2 '] I only get the selected value. But in here I want to $_POST all option weather they are selected or not.I have done this jquery code that does that but if a used clicked on one option by mistake then php will try to post only one\[code\]$("#lstBox2 option").each(function() { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected');});\[/code\]can someone tell me if there a way in php to always $_POST all they value?thanks