How can I gather email addresses of users from my phpbb board?


New Member
What I actually want to do is just gather all the email addresses from my database so I can mass email the lost members alerting them to the new vbulletin site. I do not want to import the user table if I don't have to because of the hundreds of spam accounts that are registered, most of wich are not active due to the throw away email addresses that they used.

So if I mass email from my server the bad email addresses will get bounced and my new site will be that much cleaner.

Any help would be appreciated. I just need to gather the email addresses and save them to a text file. My phpbb admin panel was hacked so I have no admin links (in the left column of admin panel) to use... I only have database access.
can't you upgrade phpbb and reupload the files ??? on vbulletin that will solve this problem with the admincp.... other thing you can do than is - Admin Mass Email Various Groups of Users

or you must use impex phpbb to vb3 and only impex (or import via phpmyadmin) the user table... (MAKE BACKUP OF ORIGINAL ONE0 than on vbulletin mail them all the new board and tell them were they can register on the new board.. now delete the user table from vbulletin and put the old one back.

If i knew another way i would tell you but this is how i would have done it :)
can't upgrade due to 100+ hacks installed. Also there has been at least 7 releases since my phpbb was created.

As far as placing the phpbb table on the vbulletin database... won't that cause a problem considering I do not use the same features on vbulletin as I do on phpbb? In other words... the user table on phpbb has a lot more bells and whistles which allow the user to do more things. Not the same with vbulletin because I am not using the same features. Will this cause a problem?
thats why i said use impex :) this modification will transfer phpbb to vb3 or ibpro to phpbb you name it :) just transfer phpbb to vb3 and send your members a mail.... after that start a brand new vbulletin forum and all your members know were to find it :)