How can I customize the scrollbar in Textarea?

Dear experts,<br />
<br />
I placed a text area in my page.<br />
I just donot want to use the traditional scroll bar in it.<br />
<br />
Can I place images in the scroll bar?<br />
Or I plan to use a image like the one having a top arrow,a slider and a down arrow.<br />
<br />
How can I simulate the functionalities of the scrollbar and map those functions to this image?<br />
<br />
Please help me in this regard.<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance<br />
Latha<!--content-->Hi there slathak,<br />
<br />
It is possible to customize the textarea<br />
and the scrollbars (IE only) also<br />
Here is an example<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Customized Textarea</title><br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
<!--<br />
#one<br />
{<br />
position:absolute;<br />
top:10%;<br />
left:20%;<br />
scrollbar-face-color: #2a3952;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #333333;<br />
<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #6e88b1;<br />
<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;<br />
<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;<br />
<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #445a80;<br />
<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #ffffff;<br />
background-color:#445a80;<br />
border-style:ridge;border-color:#445a80;<br />
border-width:10px;<br />
font-family:comic sans ms;<br />
font-size:28px;color:#ffffff;<br />
width:300px;<br />
height:200px;<br />
}<br />
//--><br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<textarea id="one" ><br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer <br />
adipiscing elit. Praesent blandit venenatis <br />
purus. Integer massa libero, vehicula id, <br />
consequat sed, tincidunt nec, purus. Class <br />
aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent <br />
per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. <br />
Suspendisse potenti. Nunc vulputate magna <br />
non magna. Aenean lorem eros, adipiscing <br />
quis, semper non, dictum a, nunc. Curabitur <br />
ut sem. Pellentesque a est id neque hendrerit <br />
ultrices. Donec vulputate tincidunt turpis. <br />
Curabitur dignissim vestibulum nunc. Aliquam <br />
felis lorem, ultrices sit amet, convallis a, <br />
accumsan vel, ante. Proin aliquam turpis sed <br />
augue. In pellentesque, magna a pulvinar <br />
adipiscing, est orci adipiscing felis, sed <br />
laoreet urna magna quis neque. Proin facilisis <br />
aliquet urna.<br />
</textarea><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
c:D:Dthead<!--content-->Originally posted by slathak <br />
Dear experts,<br />
<br />
I placed a text area in my page.<br />
I just donot want to use the traditional scroll bar in it.<br />
<br />
Can I place images in the scroll bar?<br />
Or I plan to use a image like the one having a top arrow,a slider and a down arrow.<br />
<br />
How can I simulate the functionalities of the scrollbar and map those functions to this image?<br />
<br />
Please help me in this regard.<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance<br />
Latha <br />
to answer yor question, no. all you can do is what coot suggested.<br />
<br />
you can't do anything as it is a textarea, but if you made a div box and placed overflow in it and used some javascript, you can use any scrollbar images you want.<!--content-->