How can I create image tags?


New Member
I have the following function that allows me to iterate through each page in a multi-page single tiff file.\[code\]// This function will iterate all pages, one at a time. // protected void PrintAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // counts number of pages in the fax document.// int number = _FaxPages.Count; // for loop to iterate through each page. // for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { string _FaxId = Page.Request["FaxId"]; _PageIndex = i; imgFax.ImageUrl = "ShowFax.ashx?n=" + _FaxId + "&f=" + _PageIndex + "&mw=750"; PrintAll.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return printing()"); }}\[/code\]I want to know how to dynamically create separate image tags within the for loop...such that I can use these images to print all the pages inside the tiff file.Right now If I use window.print() in my javascript.. it prints the entire webpage along with buttons, links, text boxes, check boxes, etc.. I just need to be able to print only the images inside the fax document which is a SINGLE TIFF FILE with MULTIPLE PAGES (FRAMES).please help.