How can I connect to localhost from a virtual machine?


New Member
I'm running some virtual machines using VMware workstation on my PC (using win 7), also I'm using a basic WAMP installation. I'm trying to connect to my Win7 Apache server from any of the VMs. I tried changing the following line on my httpd.conf file:\[code\]<Directory "c:/wamp/www/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride all Order Deny,Allow Allow from all ## Was Deny from all Allow from</Directory>\[/code\]This way if I go into my VM browser and type "http://my-ip/Project" I can open the project but I can't see the images or css styles, I think I'm missing some permissions somewhere, also I don't think allowing from all is the most secure way of doing this.Does anyone know how should I do this?Thanks in advance!