How can I completely delete mamp from my hard drive?


New Member
Mamp started acting up so i decided to delete and try a fresh install. I dragged the two mamp folders from my applications folder into the trash. After I did this I tried installing mamp again. the new mamp mysql wouln't start up so I turned off the apache on it went to localhost in my browser and php and apache are still working even tho i deleted them. I thoroughly searched my applications folder for any remaining traces of mamp and there are none. So just to make sure, I deleted the new mamp installs, created a file with phpinfo() function in it, and opened it in the browser under local host. The phpinfo displays. this is totally baffling. in the php info everything points to /Applications/MAMP. I've searched it several times and there is no mamp to be found in applications. Is there any way to delete this once and for all, possibly from the terminal? Does any body have any advice on how to solve this?Edit: I've tried everything suggested so far and somewhere, somehow apache and mysql are still running. I'm verifying this by opening a .php file with a phpinfo() function in it. Iv'e searched the activity monitor for any sign of mysqld, php, or mamp, and there is nothing. When I open phpinfo, all the paths point to /Applications/MAMP, and /Applications/MAMPbin/php/php5.3.6/conf etc.... I've look for these files and have even tried cd into them from the terminal and there's no trace of them. There is one path in particular that's kind of raising a red flag. It's the path to apache environment: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin that's the only one that's different from the rest. Since apache is required for php to run I'm thinking this path to apache has somehow got to be the cause of the problem. How can I further trouble shoot this?