How can I code my site to bypass website filters ?


Hello,<br />
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Some workplaces filter websites that are deemed "non work related" or "entertainment" websites.<br />
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My site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> falls victim to such filters.<br />
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Yet I have seen similar sites with the same content get through the filters.<br />
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Is their some code I can insert into my main index.html page that would help me beat the filters ? Feel free to browse my code in my index.html page.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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OMENOUS<!--content-->How about don't mention the words entertainment, break, ladies... Alternatively try taking the metatags off. <br />
It depends how filters work to be honest!!<!--content-->One look at your counter seems to suggest that you don't need to bypass these filters.<!--content-->Lavalamp - you have to ask if the counter started from 0<br />
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LOL<!--content-->Hello,<br />
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Removing the meta tags worked.<br />
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Today at the workplace I typed in for the first time and was able to view the site.<br />
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I guess since the filters had previously filtered and as being an 'entertainment' site, despite having cleaned up the meta tags, the and .com are still blocked at least on my work computer.<br />
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Do you guys know if the filters reresh themselve or purge themselves after a while ? It would be nice to be able to get through using the .org domain as the chat within the site operates solely on the .org domain.<br />
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Thanks for the help guys.<br />
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OMENOUS<!--content-->Moderators Note<br />
Please refrain from posting links to the indecent materials on these forums.<!--content-->I visited his site, but I didn't see any indecent material (although I only viewed the first page).<!--content-->Try the pictures link. LOL<!--content-->Oh, I see it now.:p<!--content-->