How can I check my website in old browsers?

Hi!<br />
I would like to check how my websites are looking in old browsers. How can I do that without having to uninstall my Internet Explorer 6? Is it possible to emulate an old browser, or something like that?<br />
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Thanks!<br />
suPERLman<!--content-->I don't think there would me an emulator. I think your best bet migt have to be to ask someone with an old browser. Or you can validate your site to see if it would work on other browsers at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Just d/load the ones you want and install them, keep 6.0 your default one, I have Net4.7/Net6.2/Opera 5.0/Crazy Browser all on my computer, can fire up any one I want.<!--content-->but wouldn't I get DLL errors if I install different versions of IE in the same computer?<!--content-->My understanding is you'll need to partition your HDD to load more than one version of IE.<br />
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There are a couple of sites that sorta kinda emulate what a site will look like in various versions of IE and other browsers. See:<br />
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* <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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* <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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* <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... patest.htm</a><!-- m --> (watch for the nasty popup on this one)<br />
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Browserola used to be a program that would emulate some of the older browser versions, but it seems it's no longer available.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->Originally posted by suPERLman <br />
but wouldn't I get DLL errors if I install different versions of IE in the same computer? <br />
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No I haven't had any errors at all, maybe if I tried opening them up at the same time it would be a different story.<!--content-->he was talking about IE montroze, I run all my browsers (4) at the sametime with no problems. you can only have "1" IE installed at any given time. all the other browsers load in different folders so no worries.<!--content-->I use virtual pc. you can install every operating you like with whatever browser you want for each virtual pc.<br />
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