[How can I] Change User Id??


New Member
Hi VBTEAM members!
I am admin of my website and i have over 400 useful posts. But i accidentally deleted my username which is user id #1. After i created new user and made it admin, but my user id is #347 something... So i want to change my user id to #1 as i want to link my new username to my old posts... Please someone help me to change user id in database or wherever.. it will be useful for me. Thanks for Advance!
#### Start Testing ####

download the database to the localhost , try to edit ur new user in the database from phpmyadmin , make its id = 1 ,
then test every thing in the forums add/delete posts , and monitor any changes ,

#### Finish Testing ####


if you faced no errors , just edit your forum database

hint : from phpmyadmin , select your database , browse Users table , find your user edit the id filed only

hope it works with you :rose: