how can I change an XML object from javascript, not just a copy of its value?


New Member
I have some XML \[code\]clientXML\[/code\] and I would like to replace one \[code\]<issue>\[/code\] (including everything nested within the issue). The new \[code\]<issue>\[/code\] is called \[code\]newXMLIssue\[/code\]. I have pinpointed the issue to replace with \[code\]var oldXMLIssue = clientXML.querySelector("[XMLId=" + XMLIssueId + "]"); \[/code\]replaced it with \[code\]oldXMLIssue = newXMLIssue;\[/code\]but I believe this has only replaced a copy of the object because\[code\]alert(oldXMLIssue.childNodes[2].textContent);\[/code\]outputs the new info (stuff I want), but\[code\]alert(clientXML.querySelector("[XMLId=" + XMLIssueId + "]").childNodes[2].textContent);\[/code\]still outputs only the old information. (both alert statements should output the same).How can I change the object itself, and not just a copy of it?