How can I adjust the link menu


Staff member
Hi, <br />
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I need somebody to take a look at this page please: <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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You'll see that the link menu is not in the center of the page on the right side and it is not looking really good. I would like to have that menu centered and I tried changing and adding codes but I jus't can't figure it out. I'm a newbie with that kind of work and I need your experts recommendations. <br />
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Thanks for your time again.<!--content-->Hi, i will have a l绡宬...<br />
But......<br />
change this from bmp to jpg it is now 391 kb!!!!!!<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
:rocker:<!--content-->Ok thanks, I just added about 20 br's to have my menu I would like to have something else as coding to change that :)<!--content-->A table can be useful..<br />
Added one td at the right.<br />
And the basic content is now in a table.<br />
See the attachment.<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->Thank you for the tips and for taking the time to take a look at my almost first try with web pages:) <br />
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Week-end's coming so have a great one<!--content-->The site breaks in some browseers. There are some [coding errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =&outline=</a><!-- m -->)] to correct. There are some missing and wrongly nested elements in the tables that need correcting. Check also that your comments tags begin with <!-- and end with --> this is with only two hyphens.<br />
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Check the link above to fix these, but you can ignore all errors like:<br />
Error: there is no attribute "foo" for this element (in this HTML version)<br />
as these are just some browser specific commands, these are not actually errors as such.<br />
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Ignore all the errors reported for the code that Geocities adds to the page for their pop-up adverts, but everything else is fixable. Post again for any specific help you need.<!--content-->I would like to be able to see all errors but I'm beginning in that matter :( but I will take a look at it. <br />
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There'a also changes from the site and it was not long ago that I did it. Feel free again to point the inevitable errors that I'm going to make again, and again and... oh well :D <br />
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Thank you many times...<!--content-->[updated link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =&outline=</a><!-- m -->)]. Good luck.<!--content-->Wow, tons of errors in that page....oh well I'll do what I can to get it more precise with the coding. <br />
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Thank you very much :rocker:<!--content-->