I've just begun the initial draft phase of my web site redesign. I've got a working draft template up for testing purposes and I would really appreciate your input.
What I'm most interested in is your opinion of the HTML/SEO structure of my new site. Is the overall structure as good as it can be, am I missing any elements, can I improve upon it? I'm want to fine tune and optimize the HTML/SEO structure before proceeding any further. Thank you for any help you can provide. Here is the draft page so far: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.virtual-voyage.com/draft/">http://www.virtual-voyage.com/draft/</a><!-- m -->
What I'm most interested in is your opinion of the HTML/SEO structure of my new site. Is the overall structure as good as it can be, am I missing any elements, can I improve upon it? I'm want to fine tune and optimize the HTML/SEO structure before proceeding any further. Thank you for any help you can provide. Here is the draft page so far: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.virtual-voyage.com/draft/">http://www.virtual-voyage.com/draft/</a><!-- m -->