Hover over text mod here on VBteam?


New Member
I attempted about 5 searches on vbulletin.com in regards to this modification.

Would anyone happen to know the name?

It's basically the mod that admins determine certain text that they want user to be able to hover over & gain information.

For example: search

Hover over the word "search"

Thanks for your help =)


New Member
It's build in into vBSEO, butyou can also use some wiki for vBulletin I'm sure it should use something similiar;

Or, there is a BBCode that allows you to put some word like that:

[hover=This is description]WORD[/hover]

can't remember the name though.


New Member
I will just have to look into it. I greatly appreciate the help. I hate asking for mod stuff here but I figured I would get the name with half the spam.

Thanks for the assistance!