Hover images


MMmkay. I want An image to appear when you run the mouse over the link, here is the code i have right now, I am not sure if it is anywhere near correct, but will someone tell me whats wrong?<br />
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<applet code="fphover.class" codebase="../_fpclass/" width="92" height="44"><br />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#000099"><br />
<param name="url" value="http://www.geocites.com/bstkbllte127/About.html" valuetype="ref"><br />
<param name="image" value="about.gif" valuetype="ref"><br />
<param name="hoverimage" value="disgust.gif" valuetype="ref"><br />
<br />
</applet><br />
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Thanks.<br />
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-Diana Q<!--content-->Did you upload the associated .class file(s) to your web host account? The applet won't work unless you did.<br />
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By the way, you can achieve the same effect with javascript. Search Google for "javascript mouseover effects" to find a free script that you can cut and paste into your HTML document.<!--content-->I'm curious why you would use an applet for this. Why not use javascript?<!--content-->