Hover Effect Below Position Absolute


New Member
There are three tags included in my problem.[*]A wrapper div that goes around my image and is positioned relatively.[*]An anchor tag that is positioned absolute with a width and height of 100%. This way a user can click anywhere on the image to go to it's url, or have the ability to right click and open in a new tab.[*]Finally there is the image tag.My goal is to add an effect to the image when a user hovers over the image. As you can see with the \[code\]onmousover\[/code\] alert attribute The only problem is when you hover of the image only the hover over the anchor tag is triggered. So I'm guessing I somehow need to propagate my onmouseover down to the image? I'm at a loss any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Oh and please avoid any frameworks (jquery, prototype), just js and css please. Thank you so much.\[code\]<div class="boardPostImage"> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15587189/image?id=${image.id}" class="boardPostImageAnchor"></a> <img alt="${boardPost.content}" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15587189/${initParam.imageCropMedium}${image.id}.jpg" onmouseover="alert('hello')" /></div>\[/code\]