Hover color change for text


New Member
When I hover over the cube I see the pop up...
When I hover over the text below the cube I see the change of color...
How can I see the color change of the text when I hover over the cube?
providing my code below...http://jsfiddle.net/Lx7kx/2/embedded/result/\[code\]$('document').ready(function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $('.cubeCellGuest').each(function() { var htmlText = $(this).attr('data-text'); $(this).append('<div class="cubeTextStyleGuest">' + htmlText + '</div>'); $(this).hover( function() { $(".cubeTextStyleGuest").append("<span class='divStockGuest'>Guest</span>"); }, function() { $(this).find("span:last").remove(); }); }); }, 600); });\[/code\]