Hover Buttons


I have three frames, top & left & main, and am trying to use hover buttons in the top and left frames to target their hyperlinks to the main frame. I am not using a theme, but I have shared borders. I have selected them to target main, but the button links open in a new window. Help, please and thank you.<!--content--><a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"link.html" target="WHATEVER IS THE NAME OF YOUR MAIN CONTENT FRAME">Link</a><br />
This should work.<!--content-->Thank you for the response but hover buttons don't have link code per se. I am using Frontpage 2000. The frame says it is targetting "main" and the buttons don't seem to have any target parameter.<!--content-->can you post the code?<!--content-->CODE for HOVER BUTTON<br />
<br />
<td width="106" height="32"> <br />
<applet code="fphover.class" codebase="./" width="120" height="30"><br />
<param name="text" value="Quote Online!"><br />
<param name="color" value="#E8AE00"><br />
<param name="hovercolor" value="#E8AE00"><br />
<param name="textcolor" value="#000000"><br />
<param name="effect" value="lightGlow"><br />
<param name="url" valuetype="ref" value="orderonline.html"><br />
<param name="font" value="Helvetica"><br />
<param name="fontstyle" value="bold"><br />
<param name="fontsize" value="12"><br />
</applet><!--content-->Don't use those myself - I prefer css but could you try<br />
<br />
<param name="target" value"NAME OF FRAME"><br />
<br />
after your 'orderonline.html' line<br />
<br />
yours unknowingly<br />
<br />