Hotspot window size


I have an image map and want to control the size of the windows that are opened when the hotspot is clicked on. I tried putting width and height in the area tag, but that didn't work. Anyone know how to do this?<!--content-->Yes. You are going to have to post a link or your code if you want a more detailed answer.<!--content-->Here is the portion of the Map that I inserted this code (in blue). It works in IE and NS. Haven't tried the red, but it is needed for the mouseOut<br />
<br />
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="16,68,69,105" HREF="javascript:" onMouseOver="win ='1.html','','width=315,height=230');<br />
return true;"" onMouseOut=" win.window.close('Viewer.html','','width= 300,height=220'); return true;"><br />
<AREA SHAPE="CIRCLE" COORDS="83,56,24" HREF="mailto:%[email protected]" ALT="Reply to" TARGET="_self"><br />
</MAP><br />
<br />
I left the second portion so you have an idea what was changed<br />
<br />
You may want to tell it where to place the window. IE puts in in the middle and NS to the upperleft corner<!--content-->