I intend to register a domain with sibername.com. This company also has nice, as I think, hosting plans, and I wonder is that resonable to get hosting from the registrar?
From the other hand, there are such offers as free lifetime domain name from a hosting providers, like e.g. MarbleHost.com.
I would like to know, what is really worth to do:
-Register free domain name included into plan of hosting provider;
-Do the same with the domain registrar, or
-Registrar and host should be separate?
From the other hand, there are such offers as free lifetime domain name from a hosting providers, like e.g. MarbleHost.com.
I would like to know, what is really worth to do:
-Register free domain name included into plan of hosting provider;
-Do the same with the domain registrar, or
-Registrar and host should be separate?