I've been working on promoting a pop under exchange It ranks somewhere in the 170s on Google and Yahoo for "pop under exchange"Its PR5 with 130 backlinks on google and WR0 with 1890 links on Yahoo.I'm not interested in buying sponsor ad slots. I am interested only in links in context and directory listings.I will trade some links on my others sites as well as sites reviews, community posts, refferals.I am willing to to swap site wide advertising on some of my sites for a good link to my exchange.If you have a listing available, please PM me with your site details and I will get back to you with an offer.I'm not a big fan of pop under sites. You can try http://www.directoryarchives.com for a big list of places to submit your site That's a great resource. I've already submitted my site to a few directories. webspace wrote:I submitted to some free directories.I haven't been making any paid submissions for this site. The exchange itself desn't make much money. I make maybe $80 per month is front page advertisements. I don't think it will be a big money maker until I get top ten on Yahoo and Google."You can try http://www.directoryarchives.com for a big list of places to submit your site "--good site-- I added my sites there too - i hope they add quickly.popunders aren't my favorite form of advertising.Speaking of popups how does a person make a popup happen in a banner frame?Are talking about rotating a popup with a banner ad so a pop up comes up with each banner impression? I think you would just put it into the page that the banner frame shows. I don't know if it would open in the iframe(in which case it wouldn't a very effective advertisement.) If it opened a new popunder each time the frame changed that might also be very annoying to anyone visiting your website.