Horizontal scrolling.


I am doing the behind the scenes stuff for this admittedly very silly bit of nonsense which is mainly contributed to by cartoonists with far too much time on their hands. I received this comment from a visitor to the site. (see link below) <br />
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"Lynn 10:09PM 2002-08-06 Tuesday I just found your blog in the recently updated list and it looks interestingly different but it's way too wide for my screen and it's really a pain to have to use the horizontal scroll bar to read each line. " <br />
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The link is here. <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://notsobigbrother.blogspot.com/2002_08_04_notsobigbrother_archive.html#79908396">http://notsobigbrother.blogspot.com/200 ... l#79908396</a><!-- m --><br />
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(I DID say it was a bit of nonsense!!)<br />
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Can anyone have a look at the source and let me know what I need to alter to remedy this. Of course it looked fine on my laptop and was unaware of the problem. It is probably dumb question (and probably asked before) with a very simple answer, but it has to be asked. Any help would be much appreciated.<br />
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Thank you for your attention, you can now resume your normal programming.<!--content-->