horiz scrollbar hiding content


does anyone know why vertical scrollbars hides the rightmost content in an iframe?<br />
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you can see it here(the crap only works with ie...):<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.one-stop.no/ot/index.htm">http://www.one-stop.no/ot/index.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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i have tried setting margins on the html being loaded in the frame. no luck.<br />
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the frame is in a div tag, so i tried marginwidth and hspace.<br />
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hspace just moves the whole frame, and marginwidth don't do nothing.<br />
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help? please? what happens?<!--content-->it doesn't hide anything on me in mozilla.<!--content-->yup, mozilla can do it, looks perfect there, but why is the scrollbar overlapping the content in IE? there must be a simple explanation for this, no?<!--content-->sorry, forgot where I was :P I am on IE and it doesn't hide anything. I get 2 scrollbars. side and bottom.<!--content-->looks good to me, would resolution make a difference?<!--content-->no, I am on 1024x800 and it is still showing a bottom scrollbar.<!--content-->if your taling about that box of text toward the right of the page, your problem is know as overflow. use css to fix it, learn css here: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --><!--content-->not really, his problem is because he is using to much text in such a small area. you tunr off the bottom scroll bar and it will cut off the words.<!--content-->i've tried the css overflow property, but it's not working like it should, at least not in IE that is.<br />
have a look in mozilla and it works perfect, notice how the lower scrollbar is removed, and the text is wrapping in the area i want. while in IE the right scrollbar overlaps the content...<br />
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what's even more stupid, if you have a look in the left frame, i put <div style="width:20px;"> in the external html. okidok, the text wraps at 20px, but IE still insists on that lower scrollbar?! what?!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.one-stop.no/ot/index.htm">http://www.one-stop.no/ot/index.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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gaahrrh, is it not possible with iframes in IE? do i have to use tables maybe? and if so, can tables receive external data?<!--content-->delete this line<br />
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"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"<br />
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that is causing IE to wig out.<br />
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and I don't see anywhere where you are using overflow for the iframes. why would you use overflow: visible on the main page? it should be overflow: auto or just don't use it.<!--content-->aiai, i think i found the solution<br />
in css there's overflow-x and overflow-y, this gives me the control of the scrollbars i was looking for, excellent!<br />
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kimgar is happy!<br />
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in IE it looks perfect now, mozilla has some problems though, see about that later...<br />
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i tried to remove "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd", but it didn't do nothing...<br />
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and yes, the frontpage could be done with no overflow, but later on i would have to face the problem anyway, so...<br />
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yup, overflow-y:auto did the trick! thanks for all the help guys, finally i can contionue with this page :)<!--content-->