Hooks/ templates etc (FAO Hoxxy)


New Member
Hoxxy.. been looking & looking at the info given from this debug mod you gave me, and on my index.php page (Main forum page), I now have no red (uncached) templates- I added them to the index.php file manually like you said.

But when I visit other pages such as member profiles, those same templates are uncached.

Do I need to manually add them to all php files, or a template somewhere in order to have them cached on every page?

Also.. below is a list from my site Using the debug mod):

Template Usage:

* (1)ad_footer_end
* (1)ad_footer_start
* (1)ad_forumhome_afterforums
* (1)ad_header_end
* (1)ad_header_logo
* (1)ad_navbar_below
* (1)cyb_flashimagebanners
* (1)cyb_lastxhoursvisitors
* (1)footer
* (3)forumhome_event
* (11)forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost
* (38)forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
* (49)forumhome_lastpostby
* (6)forumhome_loggedinuser
* (1)forumhome_markread_script
* (1)gobutton
* (1)hbd_spoiler_inc
* (1)header
* (1)headinclude
* (2)login_slide
* (1)navbar
* (9)navbar_notifications_menubit
* (8)option
* (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
* (1)spacer_close
* (1)spacer_open
* (1)vbteam_img_link
* (1)vbteam_img_uploader_loc
* (1)vbteam_img_uploader_loc2

Phrase Groups Available:

* global
* holiday
* prefix

Included Files:

* ./vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_pre.php
* ./includes/config_vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_url.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_createurl.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_db.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_vb.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_seo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_misc.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_crr.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_cache.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_hook.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_startup.php
* ./includes/config.php
* ./index.php
* ./global.php
* ./includes/init.php
* ./includes/class_core.php
* ./includes/functions.php
* ./includes/class_hook.php
* ./includes/functions_notice.php
* ./includes/functions_bigthree.php
* ./includes/functions_forumlist.php
* ./includes/functions_user.php
* ./includes/functions_calendar.php

Hooks Called:

* init_startup
* fetch_userinfo_query
* fetch_musername
* fetch_userinfo
* cache_permissions
* style_fetch
* cache_templates
* global_start
* parse_templates
* notices_check_start
* notifications_list
* global_setup_complete
* forumhome_start
* forumhome_event
* forumhome_loggedinuser_query
* forumhome_loggedinuser
* cache_ordered_forums
* forumbit_display
* forumhome_complete

Do you see anything there that could be causing my site to go slow?

Not sure if it's my forum, or the server.

On the forums homepage (index.php), I get this:

# Page Generation 0.12541 seconds
# Memory Usage 6,941KB
# Queries Executed 20

As always- any help greatly appreciated :)