Hooking a keyword to an image in Google


New Member
Does anyone know the difinitive way to hook a keyword to an image in Google?I tried this, but I don't think it is going to work:<a href='http://www.mysite.com/myimage.jpg>keyword</a>For example: On my site http://www.wildjohn.com I put the obscure keyword Bl.... M... (I will not put the keyword here so it isnt indexed) and linked it to an image from my vacation.I am trying to get that keyword linked to the image.Anyone know how to do it? I used the obscure keyword so there was no competition.first off your link is missing a quote ... but what if you used:Code: [ Select ]Good idea I try this.I added an image (rather than a link), and made alt tags in the <a> hrefs. Are alt tags valid HTML in a ref tags? I also made the image name a keyword. So now it's just a matter of waiting for Google to index it again and see what it shows for thost keywords, and which keyword it decideds is best.Doesn't Google look at the words around the image as well? Think about the results you get when you search for something. In fact, try searching for something in images, then see what would have caused google to make the association.Might be interesting to see if Google reads IPTC keywords in images.dyefade wrote:I think I have pretty much implemented all types of keyword tags for this image. Now it's just a matter of waiting for Google to do it's next update and see which obscure keyword Google notices.Does anyone have any other method they think I should use before Google arrives?I searched for: Bl.. M.. and google hit! Bam!Please remove the Bl.... Mu... from your post. I dont want any competition for keywords.I did a search for Bl.. Mu... in the images section, but it doesn't show up as an image. This is my goal.My apologies.Sorry. But it is working a lil so far Ok so I think I need to run the test again. If you look for Blo... Mu...., OZZU shows up and it's this thread. So seems Google has picked up on that one occurance when you typed it in, and has ranked this thread above wildjohn.Notice, that even though WildJohn.com has been re-indexed, it doesn't show up in the search results for the keywords:1) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=si ... ldjohn.com2) Now search google for Iso... or Blo.. Mul... and you will see they don't show up as results on wildjohn.comI also go to the images section for those keywords, and again, nothing. But before Bl... Mul... was indexed on OZZU, it DID show up in the search results for wildjohn.comI am sorry (again) ... When was the last time Ozzu was indexed, that should clear .... right?:-/I just tried google for B..... M........ and nothing showed up .... I wonder what would cause wild john to drop off as it is there?kbergmann wrote:Use the story that has been created with the three word posting game, that ought to be enough and mix in your special words? If anything, both should have been on google due to my mistake and not drop your's off the face of the map. Perhaps google realized the test?