
Hi<br />
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I am after a script that changes the users homepage when they go into my site. Does anyone know of any good sites i could look at ??<br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
Chris<!--content-->Hmm, I believe this issue was discussed in great depth a short while ago.<br />
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I don't know where you can find this script but think carefully before you go ahead and use it. Generally all it does is irritates your visitors and makes certain that they don't return to your site in future. You will lose visitors as fast as you gain them by using this script. I would highly recommmend not using it.<!--content-->like Goldi said, it is very annoying. But there is a way so it looks like a link. i.e the visitor would see the text 'click here to make your homepage'<br />
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This is done with simple javascript. By the way, this only works on internet explorer 5+<br />
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<a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" HREF onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://www.somesite.com');">Click here to make this site your default homepage</a><br />
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by the way, credits for this goes to dynamic drive and Ryan Gravener (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)<!--content-->Yes, it would be better to have a link where your viewer can choose to have your site as their home page but it is NOT a good idea to force it upon them.<br />
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You should concentrate on making your site so good that people want to stay. You shouldn't try and force them because it won't work and will lose you traffic in the long run.<!--content-->