Highrise API with Classic ASP


New Member
I am trying to input contact via API with the Highrise API in Classic ASP.For some reason it is returning the contacts instead of coming back saying that the new contact has been added.This is the code I've generated for the XML POST\[code\]Dim XMLstring XMLstring = "<person><first-name>John</first-name>" &_ "<last-name>Doe</last-name><title>CEO</title>" &_ "<company-name>Doe Inc.</company-name>" &_ "<background>A popular guy for random data</background>" &_ "<contact-data>" &_ "<email-addresses>" &_ "<email-address>" &_ "<address>[email protected]</address>" &_ "<location>Work</location>" &_ "</email-address>" &_ "</email-addresses>" &_ "<phone-numbers>" &_ "<phone-number>" &_ "<number>555-555-5555</number>" &_ "<location>Work</location>" &_ "</phone-number>" &_ "<phone-number>" &_ "<number>555-666-6666</number>" &_ "<location>Home</location>" &_ "</phone-number>" &_ "</phone-numbers>" &_ "</contact-data>" &_ "</person>"set WinHTTPRequest = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")WinHTTPRequest.Open "POST", "http://XXXX.highrisehq.com/people.xml", false WinHTTPRequest.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"WinHTTPRequest.SetCredentials "API_KEY_HERE", "", WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_BASICWinHTTPRequest.send XMLstringresponse.Write winHTTPRequest.ResponseTextset WinHTTPRequest = nothing\[/code\]Does anyone know where I am going wrong!?