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I discovered a similar question Add an additional point to highcharts live data I tried to implement it. But it doesn't work perfectly. my php-file print out e.g. [123123123,23][1393939393,23]my highchart-code looks so:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">var livechart; //global chartfunction requestData() {$.ajax({url: 'livedata.php',success: function(point) {var series = livechart.series[0]; var series2 = livechart.series[1];shift2 = > 20;shift = > 20;var pointChart = new Array(point[0].xValue, point[0].yValue); livechart.series[0].addPoint(pointChart, true, shift);var pointChart2 = new Array(point[1].xValue, point[1].yValue); livechart.series[1].addPoint(pointChart2, true, shift2); //call it again after one secondsetTimeout (requestData, 6000);},cache:false});}$(document).ready(function() {livechart = new Highcharts.Chart({chart: {renderTo:'#tabs-live',type: 'line', width:800 ,events: { load: requestData }},xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, title: { text:' ' }, yAxis: { title: { text: '' } },legend: { enabled: false },series: [{ name: 'Test', data: [] }, { name: 'test 2', data [] }] });});</script>\[/code\]What can be the error?Greetings, Susanne!