High Paying Electronics Affiliate Program - Just Launched


Staff member
5 Star is proud to announce the BRAND NEW Aperion Audio affiliate program. With generous commissions and high average order size ($950) - combined with super low competition, because this program is brand new - I think some of you could make some quick Holiday sales or plan a great new site for the New Year.

Aperion Audio (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.5staraffiliateprograms.com/home-theater-audio.html">http://www.5staraffiliateprograms.com/h ... audio.html</a><!-- m -->) is an award-winning online direct-to-consumer manufacturer of home audio speakers.
You can earn higher than average commission due to the fact there is no retail middleman.
Manufacturer-direct pricing also equates to higher sales conversions!

.:. High electronics commission up to 10% (most electronics only pay 2-3%)

.:. Datafeed, awesome creative and nice long 90 day cookies

More info and join here: Aperion Audio Affiliate Program (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.5staraffiliateprograms.com/home-theater-audio.html">http://www.5staraffiliateprograms.com/h ... audio.html</a><!-- m -->)

As always, let me know if I can help you be successful with this 5 Star program.