High Googlebot Activity Today


New Member
Googlebot has been on our sites all day today - we constantly have about 30 bots on during the same time. Anyone else experience high g-bot activity on their sites?I woudlnt' be surprised if we see a Backlink update in the next few days - this is a good indicator! Yep confirmed GoogleBot activity here too. It was on full steam today.I had it yesterday. They are making the rounds. According to this link, they project the next backlink update as Jan 29thhttp://www.seocompany.ca/pagerank/page- ... -list.htmlI am not seeing anything unusual yet. Google is still only indexing major section pages on my site... normal activity, every couple of days.Just before a major update I often see some pretty deep crawling by Googlebot.I saw it on both the 24th and 25th (late night/early morn). It's pretty exciting for me as it is the first time Google has hit the new updated site. Keeping my fingers crossed....yup i noticed it, infact i'm still seeing it, massive amount of crawlers for the last 3 days now.My site was finally reindexed/cached after not being indexed for 2 or 3 weeks... not much change in the rankings for my keywords yet that I see. I'm surprised that I didn't move up or down since I made some dramatic changes to my site... but maybe we're just in the indexing stage at the moment Where do you check that google is coming to your site??Sorry I am new to this whole seo stuff.A lot of web sites statistics software includes not only information about human visitors to your site but also spider activity on your site. The software I am familiar with is AWStats http://awstats.sourceforge.net/ it provides great spider information I usually look at the browsers used by visitors.it will sayInternet explorer 65%Mozilla 15%Googlebot 5%and so on.I guess it depends what kind of controll pannel your host uses.I am impressed with awstats. I think it's simple enough for a beginner to understand yet it's quites comprehensive....