Hiding routeparameters when using RouteTable


New Member
I'm using a \[code\]RouteTable\[/code\] and I'm looking to hide the routeparameters from the URL. The relevant code is:\[code\]RouteTable.Routes.Add("EditItem", new Route("{editMode}/{itemId}.aspx", new PageRouteHandler("~/EditPage.aspx")));\[/code\]And the code that refer to that page is:\[code\] <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12818937/<%# Page.GetRouteUrl("EditItem", new {editMode = "view", itemId = Eval("EntryId")}) %>"\[/code\]The thing is that I would like to block the user from seeing the itemId parameter and still be able to view the item.Is it possible to send the parameter to the new page without showing it in the URL?