Hiding form object


I am trying to hide my input form when my drop down menu goes over it so that the input form does not show in the middle of my drop downs. It seems it always gives me a rectangular hole (where the input is located) in my drop downs whenever the drop down goes over the input form. It is like the input form is the top layer and I can not get it to hide. I am using Netscape 4.<br />
<br />
<br />
<form action="form.html"><br />
<input type="text" name="myname" id="myname"><br />
</form><br />
<br />
I tried in my pop up function:<br />
<br />
document.myname.visibility="hidden";<br />
<br />
<br />
Doesnt seem to work. Any suggestions?<!--content-->You cannot hide individual elements of forms in NS 4. You would have to enclose the entire form inside a layer and hide the layer.<br />
<br />
<ilayer id="l1"><br />
<form action="form.html"><br />
<input type="text" name="myname" id="myname"><br />
</form><br />
</ilayer><br />
<br />
Then in the pop up function:<br />
<br />
if(document.layers)<br />
{document.l1.visibility = "hide";}<!--content-->Thank you for solving my problem! Now I need to see if it works with select boxes. Many thanks!!<!--content-->