Hide Links from guest visitors not working correctly


New Member
i have searched for many hours and either i over looked it or just cannot find it. I have tried many diffefent types of hide url hacks and i can get them to work for the first post only all the other post below show all the links to guest users.
I have tried with seven different style settings and same result any ideas or suggestions on how to solve this issue would be highly appreciated.
Number one rule of troubleshooting a problem :

Change ONLY ONE THING at a time!

You have seven or more that don't work and from your description, its impossible to tell what the core problem might be. You really need to get back to manageable state, whatever that entails. uninstall and/or remove all the junk that doesn't/didn't work and start with the one that you think you want to have on your site. Get it to work or find out why it doesn't.
thanx for the reply however the others are uninstalled i tried the url hide hacks one by one no work i uninstall and try again the seven i am referring to would be the site styles like Afterdark etc. the hacks do not even wrok correctly with the default layout selected that came with vBulletin as I stated the first post works with any of the hacks i try except for one but after the first post all the ones below it are not hidden. i use vBulletin v 3.72 PL2 cause when i tried upgrading to 3.73 alot of my threads post and configurations along with over half of my SQL DB was screwed completley.