hide hyperlink destination

I tried a variety of scripts to hide the destination of a hyperlink (at the bottom-left of your browser), including the well-know javascript: onMouseOver = window.status etc..... But it just won't work, I get this stupid eror message concerning a missing ';' and ****..... <br />
Is there any other way to hide my hyperlink destination or does anybody know how to prevent the error message?<br />
Thanx<!--content-->mabey something like this....<br />
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ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Link';return true;" ONMOUSEOUT="window.status='';return true;">Link</a><br />
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hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->curious...... why do you want to hide the address that will show in the url?<!--content-->Hmm, well if his customers are anything like mine they panic when they see anything that doesn't say "Ahh rosy rosy forsooth the next page is loading" as opposed to "http://123.54.565.12/index.asp?marathon=false" which just tends to overexcite them. ;)<!--content-->but what about the url......?<!--content-->thats one of my pet peeves, I almost never visit pages that I can't see the destination URL first, but thats just me....<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Not really the best way to debug - dismissing error messages as 'stupid'. The interpreter is telling you you're doing something wrong, and don't take it personally...my guess is a problem with quotes. Somebody might help if you'd show the JS...<br />
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p.s. the best way to 'prevent' error messages is to prevent errors (although you can suppress them with window.onerror = function(){return true;} and the newest versions support more sophisticated error handling)<!--content-->Thanx Pixelmonkey, but I've done that and it just won't work... I build my site with FrontPage and I actually don't no anything about Java or JavaScript. I found this script on a regular javascript-copy/paste-site. I can't give you the script now cause I'me at work. But I'll give it to ya soon. How do I use an 'onMouseOver script' in Frontpage anyway? I think it's my lack of knowledge that's the problem but I just can't get it working... really irritating.<br />
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PS: The reason to hide my URL is this... I've got a '.com' site, but it's not my real URL. It's linked to an other free provider with an URL like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.home.dfsdfs.nl/sdfsdfds/sfsdfsdf/index.htm">http://www.home.dfsdfs.nl/sdfsdfds/sfsdfsdf/index.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
It just doesn't look professional to show that when you've got a '.com' site.<!--content-->ok, I understand... but what happens when the surfer sees the address in the location bar? They are going to see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.home.dfsdfs.nl/sdfsdfds/sfsdfsdf/index.htm">http://www.home.dfsdfs.nl/sdfsdfds/sfsdfsdf/index.htm</a><!-- m --> anyway. And, the location is always on top.... so your not really any more professional.<!--content-->No Dr. Web, you're wrong about that... When someone visit a site/page via a hyperlink on my site, the URL remains <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nosferato.com">http://www.nosferato.com</a><!-- m --> ........ Try it....<br />
But, can anyone tell me how to use javcascript with frontpage (I know you don't like frontpage at all, but it suits me)<!--content-->ahhh yes, frames. <br />
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So you've fooled half the people... the ones who never click a link, and the ones who pay no attention to the status bar.<!--content-->Man i love that song Dazed. Very Blink 182ish. Wont be suprised if i hear it on the radio soon =)<br />
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You guys just need a little work on main vocals and lead guitar but the rythm section is just about perfect. Sounds great.<!--content-->SO you are using zonnet.nl.<br />
have they no banner???<!--content-->Arc, thanx for the comment on my music<br />
Widexl, zonnet.nl ain't got banners<br />
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But I still don't know the answer to my question:<br />
Can anyone tell me how to use javcascript with frontpage<!--content--><a onmouseover="window.status='You are now visiting another page';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;" href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.yoursite.com/something">My Photos!</a><br />
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keep it all on one line! change the 'You are now visiting another page' to whatever text you would like to display, and the <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yoursite.com/something">http://www.yoursite.com/something</a><!-- m --> to the url you want to link to. as for the My Photos!, change it also.<br />
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have fun with it!<br />