Hide Hack Ressurrection issues..


New Member
I just installed Hide Hack Ressurrection 2.8.2 , and there is a couple things that I need help with.

Firstly, all of the usergroup privledges have been set correctly, as well as the plugin itself.

So heres my problems:
1.) It shows up ::blank:: when there is no thank you's left. I don't want that there it looks retarded lol.
2.) The thank you image itself is broken, yet it has been uploaded to the correct folder. (I tried to get assistance by reading the other threads that had to do with the thank you image not showing up but it still hasn't helped me out whatsoever.)

You can check out what i'm talking about by visiting this link:

Thanks in advance for your help!

Kind Regards,
USAWarez Staff
try installing the post thanks you hack without hide hack... so search this forum for the post thank you hack.. install the thing and see if then the thanks image shows up