Hidden variable functionality using CodeBehind met


New Member
Hi,<BR><BR> I want to store my page contents into the Hidden fields using CodeBehind method.<BR> Can anybody help me in this.?<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR><BR>Use the Viewstate option, alot like session variables but it puts the values in the viewstate hidden form field. I like this method better because you could not view source and see the value.Do you have a sample of this? I'm looking to do the same thing.<BR><BR>DavidUse just like session variables:<BR><BR>VB:<BR>ViewState("name") = "James"<BR><BR>C#<BR>ViewState["name"] = "James";<BR><BR>Check out this link:<BR>http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnaspnet/html/asp11222001.asp