Hidden Field Problem


New Member
Hi<BR>I couldn't use the TextBox Server Control as a hidden valiable for my client side Javascript manipulations. If i set the property as visible = False, then the code is not generated at all for the control. If i use the <input type=....> client-side HTML control, i couldn't refer it in the Server Side.<BR>Thanx in Advance<BR><INPUT id=HTMLString type=hidden name=HTMLString runat="server"><BR><BR>I was able to use this one, and access it from the back end code.<BR>IE<BR> HTMLString = "What ever you want in here"Hi thanx for the mail, but i use the code as given below, <BR><input type="hidden" name="ProjectMasterID" runat =server><BR>It is generating for me the client code with the dynamic control name, since i had given <input ..... runat=server><BR><input name="_ctl0" type="hidden" /><BR>In this case, i could not use it for client side validation, neither in the server Side too..<BR><BR>Hi<BR>The code is working for me. I had missed out the id="..." attribute.<BR>Thanx a lot