hidden counter, possible?


Hey guys, I don't know if this is possible or not, but is there anyway to have a hidden counter on my index.html page so I can see how many hits I get, but hide it from the general public, because I don't want them to see a counter on my site? I don't even know if HTML is the right topic to post this thread, and if not, sorry about this, could you point me to the right topic? Thanks guys.<!--content-->there are many ways to do this... my personal favorite is to use a server side include, but you could also link an invisible image to it, sometihng like that...<!--content-->http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28966<!--content-->Considering the ease of such an application, you would be best off to simply write your own.. CGI, ASP, PHP, etc, could all be used to write a simple hidden hit counter.<br />
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This way you would not run the risk of breaking the 'user agreement' rules of other ready-made hit counters.<br />
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I would take samij's advice; write a small app and have it included via a SSI (Server Side Include) directly into your index.html page.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->Take a look at Statcounter (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.statcounter.com">http://www.statcounter.com</a><!-- m -->). It's free and will provide you will much more than just a hit counter. It's not perfect, but would take care of your needs pretty well, I think.<!--content-->You already got it. <br />
It is called server log.<!--content-->Thanks to all you guys, espically Aronya1, that statcounter site is so easy to use, and its free! Thanks again guys!<!--content-->