Hi There! [ Icon Issue ]


New Member
I have a vb 3.7.5 I installed a new theme and it looks great on firefox

but on msn explorer there are missing icons, there are only x's where the image should be. I went back to firefox and noticed that the icons that should be there just don't show up, but no x's, the icon should be a expand and a collapse in the profile section. In the forum section there is a Announcement icon missing, on msn explorer it says Reload this page, no icon. I also need to make the forum page a little smaller because the forum part makes my page a little to big, the forum section goes past the border of the logo and the shoutbox.

If you could help me out, that would be great.

Missing imgs do not show in FF but do as you mentioned in IE (red crosses) all that is the matter is you have uploaded them in the wrong folder...not all style images go in the images folder,

How to solve?...thats easy simply right click on the red cross in IE and find the correct path and move them to where they should go.
Thanks man, I kind of thought it was a simple thing.

I put the style in the root, I didn't separate the folders.

Anything on how to make my forums stay even on the page, they over shoot past the chatbox and the logo!