Hi I'm new and have a question regarding tables.


Hello.. I have been playing with web-design for years but not until recently have I taken it up to make a site for someonw else.<br />
I admit I've always been better at graphics than code so there are still many basic ideas I do not understand.<br />
I only have one question for you now and I hope you find it a simple one. I apologize for lack of URL or Code but I believe the explanation will be simple enough.<br />
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I have a 9 cell table set to fit it's frame 100% in height and width. Like a simple tic-tac-toe board #.<br />
Only the middle cell is being used to display anything, as I want a center'd window of text on the page.<br />
Now, on some pages, I have a large amount of text requiring the user to scroll the whole frame.. but what I am looking for is a way to make just the middle cell of the table scroll. I admit I have never seen this in action so any alternate suggestions would be appreciated.<br />
I HAVE used div layers before and with CSS I find no problem making them scroll.. but I do have a problem laying them out on a page where my window is to remain center'd on the screen despite any browser resizing or monitor resolutions.<br />
So to sum it up.. I want a little scrolling text box in the center of a page. Any suggestions?<br />
Thanx.i.a.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif">http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Put an <iframe> in the table.<br />
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It works just like an ordinary frame, in that you link to another page, but you use it inline.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/special/iframe.html">http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html4 ... frame.html</a><!-- m --> has more information on the use of <iframe><!--content-->i always use iframe in that case, but i have seen nice jave scroll bars, so you might find a nice java one, if you want to be different :)<br />
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but iframe is much easier :P<!--content-->thanx a lot guys.. i got it tuned nicely with the iFrame.. <br />
I have never used that command before.. worked like a charm.<br />
Well almost... for some odd reason due to the formatting of my text or something.. on one of the windows I get a sideways scrollbar.. kinda frustrating.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif">http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif</a><!-- m --><!--content-->just use the <BR > tag to fix the text.<!--content--><BR> is just a "break" right?<br />
Unfortunatly I'm in no position to be using those in this particular spot. I am not to edit the testimonials of the site in any way.<br />
Not to mention when the site sizes to fit different widths it changes where I need breaks. Actually the whole thing is rather weird as all the other text on the site works just fine.. only the testimonials cause the window to scroll sideways.<br />
I've had similar issues when using div and CSS on my last site but I just got around that by increasing the size of the text field.. it was easy, as the whole site was just left aligned and only designed for high-res.<br />
We need a command to lock which direction scrolls.<br />
Or is there already such a thing and I'm just sticking my foot in my mouth? Would be nice if that were the case.<br />
But anyhoo.. thanx anyway.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif">http://members.shaw.ca/*******11/basitag.gif</a><!-- m --><!--content-->