HHTTPService Error


New Member
I'm trying to debug an issue by going to the most basic of tasks.I have an app written in adobe flex (action script 3) that I want to have interact with a web service. Because it appears I can't access the server, I've created a simple app.Source code for the ActionScript\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html"> <mx:HTTPService id="concat" url="concat.php" resultFormat="text" method="POST"> <mx:request xmlns=""> <stringOne>{stringOne.text}</stringOne> <stringTwo>{stringTwo.text}</stringTwo> </mx:request> </mx:HTTPService> <mx:VBox top="10" left="10"> <mx:HBox verticalAlign="middle"> <mx:Label text="String 1:"/> <mx:TextInput id="stringOne"/> </mx:HBox> <mx:HBox verticalAlign="middle"> <mx:Label text="String 2:"/> <mx:TextInput id="stringTwo"/> </mx:HBox> <mx:HRule width="100%"/> <mx:Button label="Concatenate!" click="concat.send()"/> <mx:Text fontSize="14" text="{concat.lastResult}"/> </mx:VBox></mx:Application>\[/code\]Code for the PHP\[code\]<?php$stringOne = $_POST['stringOne'];$stringTwo = $_POST['stringTwo'];print $stringOne . $stringTwo;?>\[/code\]When I fill in the fields and press the button nothing happens. Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?