Hey, I hope to see this thread fill up with all kinds of goodies! What freeware, shareware etc. do you guys use to generate lots of good SEO friendly pages? What SEO friendly shopping carts do you use? Me and I am sure allot of other people would love to se a list of links to all kinds of good SEO friendly tools, scripts for sites, list of highly ranked directories to submit to http://www.socengine.com/seo/guide/seo- ... tories.php etc.! Man it feels like Christmas or something I can not wait to see what kind of presents you guys have to share with this SEO community! Thank you all in advance, JacobNone of you know of any good SEO friendly shopping carts etc.? all 20 of you that viewed this thread does not have atleast one link to submit? Please people if you read this thread submit atleast one link to something you think is handy for SEO.Thank you,Jacobseo pro.... that was probably 20 bots ... or maybe 20 guests who don't have posting privaleges that viewed the page, you need to chill out some and just wait for the replies lol. Posting - Quote:I gotta go with Jess on the osCommerce. It's a great system, easy to make SE friendly, and with work can be a REAL search engine whore Absolutely oscommerce. The seo urls just got better the other day too. Off the bat is not SEO friendlyFew other necessary mods besides the one mentioned;http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,207http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,137http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2208http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3226