hex/dehex in a irc server


<b>I was peeking around but being a n00b here,<br />I haven't found any topic on it.<br /><br />Once I'm done rambling,<br />please post any hints tips codes or links to appropriate areas<br />if there is already info about this please.<br /><br />I basicaly am running a chat server<br />that allows coded nicks into the chat.<br />When viewing profiles it shows plain nick profiles<br />and even the coded profiles to some but for some reason<br />some of us have lost the ability to view coded nicks profiles.<br /><br />So i would think if there is a hexing code to put in the server.dll<br />or some other thing like an alias file<br />that would basicaly turn this<br /><br /><a href="http://chat.thunderncrew.net/profile.php?epuid=?|?搂?渭???掳?渭D藟" target="_blank">http://chat.thunderncrew.net/profile.php?e...??掳?渭D藟</a><br /><br />into this<br /><br /><a href="http://chat.thunderncrew.net/profile.php?epuid=0876521387563" target="_blank">http://chat.thunderncrew.net/profile.php?epuid=0876521387563</a><br /><br />or something to that nature then,<br />all profiles would become vieqwable again.<br /><br />Would like anything at all tips or ideas you may have<br />links to tutorials so i may learn where to put code why it works<br />or even if you have the coding and an explaination why it works.<br /><br />I am a n00b but i dont want to just copy paste codes and say thanx.<br />I want to say thanx for the info or the code and a bigger thanx<br />for explaining why it works and for teaching me.<br /><br />Ive been looking all over online for sites forums etc.<br />This one name really cuaght my eye because.....<br />I actualy so dream codes sometimes i wake up after a dream<br />about a code i been working on be it mailing script or simpler<br />like a new way to layout a form or functionability to site<br />Ill test it out and it works..go figure lol</b> <img src="http://static.dreamincode.net/forums/style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":crazy:" border="0" alt="crazy.gif" />