

New Member
Can Any 1 plz help me with skin
coz when ever i install a skin pictures dont come up it just show a (cross)

any 1 help me plzzzzzzzzz
Yeah in images i didnt have a styles folder but i made 1 and upload all images into it but still doesnt work?????
psd files won't display. right click on the red x and check "properties" see where the path to the images is set. Then, you need to install your images there. Custom styles are not always installed the same way, some install in the forum root, some in the forum/images folder. Make sure yours installation is correct. The instructions for the style should have told you were to install them. If you are using a portal and /forums instead of root, you need to check that the paths are set correctly in stylevars and MainCSS.
Admincp >> Styles & Templates >> styles manager >> %-Your style -%

from the dropdown choose "StyleVars"

and check the paths to the images in the second section "Image Paths" and make sure thats where you have them.